Friday, February 11, 2011

WOW!, It's Valentine's Day Chocolate!

Consider this an early Valentine's Day gift from WOW!scans, since we love you all so much!  This one is a one-shot from the second issue of Oto Nyan, and it's called Chocolate de Cousin.  It's got a nice Valentine's Day theme to it, so I hope you enjoy it!
Chocolate de Cousin DDL


  1. Such a cute one, with such a tempting ending

  2. awwww so cute, i feel all warm and fuzzy Thankyou WOWscans

  3. I dont know if its just me or is this months issue of oto nyan more upfront with the sexuality than last volume, i only say this because in the first volume it was more teasing and borderline sexual play but this month with this one shot they pushed it forward from just teasing and actual kissing and contact, am i wrong or will this be the norm since they no longer have to just play with the teasing and can push it further due to popularity

  4. Eh, not necessarily. I think the overall level of ecchi is comparable between the two issues, just look at Sensei Anone and Ato no Matsuri from the first issue.

  5. I know this might sound stupid, any of the series in volume 2 chapter 2 of any series of volume 1. Basically do we get any chapter 2 this month of any series

  6. Docchi, Sensei Anone, and Sensei no Boku all got continuation chapters this time.

  7. damn you WOW im turning bi here >.<

  8. Everyone is gay for traps.

  9. People dont have to be gay or Bi for trap stories, if you think about it alot of story development goes into making a guy seem as a girl and alot of trap stories have better or greater charactor development than those typical Shojo in which you get the template girl who is either shy or abused and the guy is usally a asshole in some or another and goes through a revelation before he realizes love. Trap charactors develop in various directions because not only are you trying to develop the charactor into something people are not use to in terms of gender roles you have to develop the right environment around such a charactor that will accomidate the charactor itself, I think trap stories are more interesting in terms of two thing greater charactor development but as well story development

  10. aigatou, great trap this one. Do wow scans have prevision of Prunus Girl? best manga of the site.

  11. ANy more oto nyan chapters or was this the only chapter in the magazine with a manga type story

  12. >Do wow scans have prevision of Prunus Girl?


    >ANy more oto nyan chapters or was this the only chapter in the magazine with a manga type story

    Just like the first issue, there's several more stories, and they'll trickle in as a combination of solo WOW! projects and joint projects.
