Saturday, May 7, 2011

WOW!, I want to have a sweet pompadour too

So here we go everyone, some more OverDrive. I didn't actually read this myself because I've been busy, but somehow I was the least busy to be able to post this. So, without reading this I'd say expect to hear talks about bikes and see people riding bikes in this chapter. Also I like this pompadour dude's style. Just check him out.

Overdrive Ch. 44


To all you jerks who voted "No" on the poll, you guys are lame and will never be as awesome as me. Deal with it.


  1. Thanks for the chapter

  2. i chose the 4th one in the polz for teh lul =P

  3. Did the group run out of raws for your trap series, it looks like there is no trap series for a while except for prunus in the last few weeks. Did your raw provider dissapear???????

  4. koizumi is fail...

  5. I never noticed your poll up there, guess I should visit more often.
    I just keep dropping by to see when Docchi will come out. Guess those 4 pages had a lot of words.
    But I kid. Thanks for the scans.

  6. WOW! quick release :D
    Thank you and keep up good work!

  7. >Did the group run out of raws for your trap series

    No, these are joints so they just get done faster.

    >koizumi is fail...

    No sir, you are the failure being that you don't seem to have the ability to form a coherent system.

    >I never noticed your poll up there, guess I should visit more often.

    Yes, please do visit more, my polls are awesome.

    ...and I guess Yamada's serious polls actually do give us good feedback.

  8. >...and I guess Yamada's serious polls actually do give us good feedback.

    smart :)

  9. Thank you so much for this chapter!! Recently started reading overdrive, it's pretty good. Enjoying it so far. : )

  10. where are the traps?;_;

  11. is Wow scans going main stream, if you guys are going main stream what group will take over your trap projects, seems more mainstream projects are up and month by month less trap

  12. Ummm.... OverDrive is the only project without a trap/genderswap type thing in it, and we're most likely giving that over to Endless-abyss soon. No clue what you're talking about.

  13. I believe that some people don't know that Needless have a trap protagonist after chapter 55.. :P

    Thoso who are complaining don't know what are talking about.

    Thanks for the releases! :D

  14. Yeah, I don't understand why people bitch about NEEDLESS and say, "I want more trap stuff." When NEEDLESS has a trap as the main character. Then again it shows how much people pay attention.


    What happens to Cruz and that father guy?

    ... guess I'll have to read it.

  16. @Anonymous:

    The father guy stay the same, but Cruz get some problems... :)

  17. Did wow scans get he new Oto nyan and waai, i saw them out and coming out, will we see any of those next month or this month, the covers looked hot from when i saw them online. I heard rummors that Mei no nasho ended the series in volume 4 is that true.

  18. New Waai is not out. New Oto Nyan is, and we do have it. Mei does end at volume four, and we have raws for the entire series.

  19. So... is there any word on when you guys might have any more stuff from Change H Red? I only ask because you kept some of the raws to yourself because you planned to translate them. But that was kind of 4 months ago...

  20. Welp, that's been asked and answered a few times already. The translator who was working on that stuff disappeared. I'll be out of classes soon and will start working myself to the bone to make up for lost time, but right now I'm apparently our only active translator, so be patient.

  21. U-ummmm.. not to be a Totally bitch but...When is the next needless and reversable coming out :3
    p.s you guy's are awesome ^^

  22. NEEDLESS soon, Reversible when Waai comes out. Waai is a quarterly magazine, so just be ready to have long waits.
