Wednesday, December 29, 2010

WOW!, It Wasn't a Month Wait For OverDrive this Time!

Got some OverDrive for you guys this time...  I dunno, some parts of this chapter made me feel kind of bad, it's got a little bit of depressing flashback, but it ends on a mostly positive note though, so it's alright.  Prunus Girl raws are still being held up by snow on the east coast.  All I can say is to cross your fingers with us and keep hoping they show up tomorrow.  Porn coming very soon, more Change H and Oto Nyan stuff also coming very soon.  It's late, that's all the eloquence I've got.

OverDrive ch 42 DDL:


  1. Still think you should rename the group "Traps and Bikes".

  2. And our theme song would have the same name, and go to the tune of 'Boats and hoes?'

  3. Thanks for more Overdrive. So glad to see someone releasing this series. Keep up the great work.

  4. when is maid in japan coming? hate to see it leave nnt, but its a good series and should continue,

  5. Hopefully sometime Sat-Sunish. The first of our MiJ chapters should be ready to go into typesetting sometime Friday.

  6. Thanks for OverDrive^^

  7. kyaa kouichi~!!!When is your big moment coming up??hahahahahha XDD
    I'm so happy to know you guys are doing overdrive..i almost give up in this one~! >.<
    Thank you thank you~! ♥
